General information
Address: Molenstraat 47, 1651 Lot
Contact us: or by phone: +32 2 306 71 03
Opening hours
- Friday: 2PM - 8:30PM, we serve until 7:30PM
- Saturday: 2PM - 8:30PM, we serve until 7:30PM
- Zondag: 1PM - 7:30PM, we serve until 6:30PM
Consult the list of all our upcoming events.
Visits & guided tours
Info & reservations:
Every Friday and Saturday we organize a guided tour at 3PM, every Sunday at 2PM. The tour is aimed at both individual visitors and small groups (up to 5p). Reservation is not required, the maximum number of attendees is 20, participation is free of charge and the language of the tour depends on the group.
Beers to drink
Consult the menu
Beers for sale in the shop
Consult the shop list and our terms for shipping
Our webshop is always open :